Thursday 22 February 2007

Scenario Questionnaire

The following personas will be placed into the group scenario

Serena Sondhi
Ben Manvir
Jason Powers
Tom Green

Did you think Miss Dawson looked like a robot?

Serena -> Yes – I have seen many robots in my father’s films
Ben -> No - Shouldn’t robots have metal bodies and lots of wires?
Jason -> Wasn’t sure – As it sort of moved like a robot
Tom -> No – As I didn’t get close to Miss Dawson due to my wheel chair

Did Miss Dawson frighten you?

Serena -> Was slightly frightened - Miss Dawson’s skin was cold
Ben -> Yes - When I was told by the teacher that Miss Dawson was a robot, I thought how could it have skin?
Jason -> Yes - I was slightly scared because of the way Miss Dawson moved
Tom -> No – I did not have much time to interact with Miss Dawson

Could you understand Miss Dawson?

Serena -> No - As Miss Dawson only could say a few words when we were playing rounders.
Ben -> Yes - her voice was very clear and spoke like a robot Katie on when I was close to her
Jason -> Yes - she spoke very nicely
Tom -> No - when I was a few meters away was unable to hear Miss Dawson

Did Miss Dawson understand you?

Serena -> Only when I said simple thing like “hello” and during the rounders game
Ben -> Not when I shouted for the ball, she only understood when I were close to her
Jason -> When I asked Miss Dawson about what football team she supported she didn’t understand
Tom -> Didn’t get much of a chance to speak to Miss Dawson

Who did you prefer, Miss Dawson or the teachers?

Serena -> The teachers - As Miss Dawson was just a robot in a human body
Ben -> Miss Dawson - because she does not understand anything I say!
Jason -> The teacher - As everybody was around Miss Dawson and when we were playing she could hear what I was saying
Tom -> The teachers - As I received more attention

Do you think Miss Dawson should look more like a robot?

Serena -> No - It may scare me
Ben -> Yes - Like the ones in The Terminator
Jason -> Didn’t matter, as it still is a robot. I’m more concerned about Miss Dawson helping with my studies
Tom -> Yes

Did you find Miss Dawson interesting?

Serena -> No - Didn’t have knowledge about the Egyptians, my favourite topic
Ben -> Yes - first time I have seen a robot in real life. I usually play many games involving robots on the Internet
Jason -> No - Miss Dawson was just a toy and I didn’t take her seriously
Tom -> Yes, I was surprised how realistic Miss Dawson was

Was Miss Dawson able to participate / join in the exercise?

Serena -> Yes - she was very good
Ben -> No - she was too slow at running
Jason -> Made wrong decisions when she was referee
Tom -> She seemed to blend in okay

How do you think Miss Dawson can be improved?

Serena -> Have more knowledge
Ben -> Miss Dawson should be a super robot, which can lift up anything
Jason -> Faster speed and have better hearing
Tom -> Give more attention to children that need it

Bobby Biran Singh
Gaurav Chander

Scenario Questionnaire

The following personas will be placed into the individual scenario

Serena Sondhi
Ben Manvir
Jason Powers
Tom Green

Teaching Assistant is called Miss Dawson.

- Could you understand Miss Dawson?

Ben Manvir:


“She talked too quickly”.

Serena Sondhi:


“She was a bit slow”.

Tom Green:


“Most of the time”.

Jason Powers:


“She talked weird”.

- Did Miss Dawson understand you?

Ben Manvir:


“She didn’t answer my question”.

Serena Sondhi:


Tom Green:


Jason Powers:


“Took a long time to answer my question”.

- Who did you prefer, Miss Dawson or the teacher?

Ben Manvir:


“I don’t like any of them”.

Serena Sondhi:


Tom Green:


“Miss Dawson could help me with other stuff/ reading /playing chess”.

Jason Powers:

Miss Dawson

It would be wicked if she was our teacher

- Did you find Miss Dawson interesting?

Ben Manvir:


“A robot should look like a robot”.

Serena Sondhi:


(She felt withdrawn from Miss Dawson).

Tom Green:


Jason Powers:


- Was Miss Dawson able to participate / join in the exercise?

Ben Manvir:


“She was useless”.

Serena Sondhi:


Tom Green:


“She picked out my reading mistakes”.

Jason Powers:


“She helped me with my reading”.

Farhad Bahramy

Matthew Walker

Taiyyib Azam

Testing On Components - Video/Visual Movement

This is a first-person video of the internal camera component within the Robot Teaching Assistant:-

As can be seen, the Robot Teaching Assistant is moving up a set of stairs in the outside environment and recognizing large objects.

The second first-person video shows the teaching assistant tilting its head/view in a vertical direction, showing the sophistication of its operational movement:-

Testing On Components - Picture Quality

Here is a picture of a TV series, “Basil Brush” . Whilst the children were watching the TV, Miss Dawson decided to take a few internal camera shots which shows the picture quality.

When the children went out into the garden to play with Miss Dawson, the robot teaching assistant took some pictures of flowers as the kids were doing some plant growing of their own in class as can be seen in the picture.