Thursday, 22 February 2007

Scenario Questionnaire

The following personas will be placed into the group scenario

Serena Sondhi
Ben Manvir
Jason Powers
Tom Green

Did you think Miss Dawson looked like a robot?

Serena -> Yes – I have seen many robots in my father’s films
Ben -> No - Shouldn’t robots have metal bodies and lots of wires?
Jason -> Wasn’t sure – As it sort of moved like a robot
Tom -> No – As I didn’t get close to Miss Dawson due to my wheel chair

Did Miss Dawson frighten you?

Serena -> Was slightly frightened - Miss Dawson’s skin was cold
Ben -> Yes - When I was told by the teacher that Miss Dawson was a robot, I thought how could it have skin?
Jason -> Yes - I was slightly scared because of the way Miss Dawson moved
Tom -> No – I did not have much time to interact with Miss Dawson

Could you understand Miss Dawson?

Serena -> No - As Miss Dawson only could say a few words when we were playing rounders.
Ben -> Yes - her voice was very clear and spoke like a robot Katie on when I was close to her
Jason -> Yes - she spoke very nicely
Tom -> No - when I was a few meters away was unable to hear Miss Dawson

Did Miss Dawson understand you?

Serena -> Only when I said simple thing like “hello” and during the rounders game
Ben -> Not when I shouted for the ball, she only understood when I were close to her
Jason -> When I asked Miss Dawson about what football team she supported she didn’t understand
Tom -> Didn’t get much of a chance to speak to Miss Dawson

Who did you prefer, Miss Dawson or the teachers?

Serena -> The teachers - As Miss Dawson was just a robot in a human body
Ben -> Miss Dawson - because she does not understand anything I say!
Jason -> The teacher - As everybody was around Miss Dawson and when we were playing she could hear what I was saying
Tom -> The teachers - As I received more attention

Do you think Miss Dawson should look more like a robot?

Serena -> No - It may scare me
Ben -> Yes - Like the ones in The Terminator
Jason -> Didn’t matter, as it still is a robot. I’m more concerned about Miss Dawson helping with my studies
Tom -> Yes

Did you find Miss Dawson interesting?

Serena -> No - Didn’t have knowledge about the Egyptians, my favourite topic
Ben -> Yes - first time I have seen a robot in real life. I usually play many games involving robots on the Internet
Jason -> No - Miss Dawson was just a toy and I didn’t take her seriously
Tom -> Yes, I was surprised how realistic Miss Dawson was

Was Miss Dawson able to participate / join in the exercise?

Serena -> Yes - she was very good
Ben -> No - she was too slow at running
Jason -> Made wrong decisions when she was referee
Tom -> She seemed to blend in okay

How do you think Miss Dawson can be improved?

Serena -> Have more knowledge
Ben -> Miss Dawson should be a super robot, which can lift up anything
Jason -> Faster speed and have better hearing
Tom -> Give more attention to children that need it

Bobby Biran Singh
Gaurav Chander

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