Tuesday 13 March 2007

Further Refinements

In today’s meeting we analyzed the results from the evaluations and identified the areas that need to be improved in the prototype.

1.iBot should be more interactive in terms of helping children even when help has not been requested

This issue was raised in the cooperative evaluation when Tom commented about the lack of assistance from iBot. This refinement involves iBot offering assistance when it senses a child is in distress.

2.iBot should support different languages in order to cater to different children’s needs and to teach foreign languages

Multi language support is a refinement that is vital taking into account multi cultural societies, furthermore, this would allows iBot to teach foreign languages. Furthermore Serena highlighted this issue when iBot was unable to read a French sentence.

3.iBot should have ability to download tutorials which further expands its knowledgebase

This issue was raised by Serena during the cooperative evaluation stage. She requested that iBot help her in playing her violin and iBot responded in that it was unable to play the istrument. Under this refinement, if a student asks iBot regarding a specific subject area and iBot has no prior knowledge, iBot can download new tutorials from the iBot online knowledgebase

4.iBot should synchronize with other iBots to share information / knowledge

This refinement would allows the iBot in question to expands its knowledge base by synchronising with other iBots. The knowledge base consists of experience that the iBot has not been in, for example, a new situation.

5.iBot needs better synchronization with the school timetable database

This issue was raised by Ben during the cooperative evaluation, as iBot had no knowledge about next weeks timetable.

6.Online interface to iBot through instant messaging services. Will allow children to communicate with iBot at home

This refinement is taking into account the Internet society in which we live in, for example, Ben is a member of many social networks. This refinement can also have an educational benefit in the sense that children can learn from iBot through the online interface, for example, ask questions regarding homework.