Thursday 1 February 2007

Project Ideas

1. Inflatable vest

If a child were to have a fall, the vest would sense that a fall is about to take place and inflate the vest in order for less injury to occur.

- Will ensure safety for the user
- Could be used for different purposes
- Minimises injury in car accidents
- Sports
- Will be beneficial for areas such as care and hospitals
- Hardware would be implanted inside the vest and would look and feel as a vest but - with another purpose

2. Tracking Device

A small electronic safe device be attached inside the body by the way of surgery and that would be connected to a computer that would track the whereabouts of the child no matter the location, anywhere in the world

- Would easily track whereabouts of children
- Take care of crime
- Eliminate Anti-social behaviour
- Implant the device into child
- A screen will show where the child is no matter where the location
- If a simple command such as “find Joe” is made will pinpoint the location
Would ensure safety

3. Remote Control spy bug
This will allow children to fly a bug into a room and sit and listen to a conversation. The device will have attached to its eyes a video recorder and sound device that will allow children to see and hear what is being said on a TV screen in their bedroom, a piece of software would come with the bug.

- Spy on important conversations
- Listen
- View
- Fly the bug around
- Can be considered as a game but for different purpose
- Fly the bug around
- Eyes of the bug would have camera and sound
- Can be connected to TV for maximum usage
- Would be small enough to not be recognised

4. Speech recognition for disabled children
This technology would cater for young disabled children; this would translate their words for someone who does not understand what they are saying. Similar to a baby translator but for disabled children.

- Will allow others to understand what they (disabled children) are saying
- Benefits for parents with disabled children
- More abrupt conversations take place
- User friendly – will make life easier

Brainstorm Session

Mind Interpreter

This is a device that allows a child’s thoughts to be understood by their parents/supervisor before they are old enough to communicate themselves.

  • Parents/supervisor receives child’s thoughts on portable device.

  • Signals are sent wirelessly.

  • The carer is alerted when the child is in need of attention. For example if the child is hungry, thirsty, or distressed.


Speech Recognition Software

This teaches a child how to use a computer by performing tasks that are passed verbally.

  • Performs common tasks like word-processing, and accessing the Internet, as well as basic operations like file searching.

  • Curser displayed on screen to allow the child to learn how to perform these tasks.

  • Restrictions can be in place to prevent the child causing any damage to the computer, including parental restrictions.

  • Saves time while learning the basic concepts and once ready, the child can begin using the mouse and keyboard.


Computer Watch Scheduler

This piece of technology is a digital watch worn by children to remind them of their school schedule and deadlines.

  • This would help a child plan their time better and organise their workload.

  • Homework assignments are recorded storing the time and date due in.

  • School break times can be preset so pupils are not late for their lessons.


Brainstorm session

Software System for Children

A software system, specifically for kids to help them to familiarize and use computers with minimal training at an early age:

  • From a children points of view using a computer is difficult

  • Current available software for children only concentrates on animation and the color of the GUI.

  • The software system would use language and words for the commands that are not difficult for children to understand.

  • The software system would be colorful use cartoon and fantasy animation and picture to avoid children getting bored.

  • It would be extremely user friendly as children are more likely to do more mistakes than adults (e.g. use of commands such as do, undo etc.).


Virtual Blackboard

A virtual blackboard, which would allow children to write and draw more expressively and creatively than it, can be done on a normal blackboard.

  • Using a blackboard and chalk can be boring for children, as they do not get attracted to the traditional methods.

  • The virtual blackboard would allow children to write in different fonts size and colors.

  • It would allow them to show their creativity and expression, in drawing colorful images.

Voice to Melody converter

The aim of this system is to attract kids more into learning music. A system that can convert children’s singing into a musical melody.

  • The system uses various audio input devices.

  • It would have a display monitor, which would show how the converted melody is played and performed by an instrument.

  • It would also show the notes for that melody so that children gets familiarize with reading musical notes.


Brainstorm Session

Baby Language Interpreter

Enables the parents/supervisor to understand what the child is trying to say by processing the “baby language” into English (or alternative) via audio input devices.

  • Understanding a child’s needs and wants is a difficult task

  • The child will use words that the parents will not understand

  • Software translates the baby language into English (or alternative)

  • Improves the lives of both the child and parents/supervisors


3D Educational Environment

A 3-dimensional environment that aids in the educational process by displaying interactive holograms.

  • Initial research has shown that children find much of the educational activities “boring” [BBC Link]

  • This technology takes education to a new level by making the educational environment digital

  • The holograms will give the child the illusion that they are out in the “real world”, hence making the learning environment more interactive and enjoyable

  • If the children are learning about cats, them the system will display cat holograms that the children can “stroke”

  • Once the child has made contact with the hologram they are educated either by the hologram or by a hologram teacher


Virtual Classroom

This technology provides a method that enables all children to be at school from the comfort of their own home via a virtual classroom.

  • A child may be ill and unable to travel to school etc… there are many reasons why a child may not want/able to attend school

  • The child places some type of device on their head and they are entered into the virtual classroom

  • This idea is based on the 3D educational environment idea, in the sense that the learning environment is digital and the child can interact (walk, talk etc..) with other children.

  • The child is not restricted to their local area, the child can interact with other children from all over the world, further stimulating the child.


Automatic tie-up shoes

This technology replaces the traditional shoe-lasses with straps that automatically lock when the child puts on their shoes.

  • Avoids the child hurting themselves due to untied shoe lasses

  • Saves time


Ideas From Brainstorming session

Interactive GUI Nutrition Monitor

The system would allow a child to add food to a tray, which would analyze the contents of the food and display nutritional data in the form of graphs on a nearby screen.

  • Children often make poor eating choices and the system can be seen as a way to teach children on how to make better eating choices.

  • The amount of food the child places on the tray can teach children about portion sizes.

  • Can be used to compare different foods.


Baby monitor for children in cars

Allows a baby to see the parents/driver's face on a screen in front of them to reassure them that they are close by.

  • Two cameras used, one facing the baby and one facing the driver

  • Two screens used, one facing the baby and one facing the driver

  • System can be seen as a way to reassure baby that their parents are close by. Particularly useful if baby is upset etc and the driver/parent is stuck in traffic

  • Primarily for babies aged 3 under


Robot Teaching Assistant

This will allow children to be taught by a robotic teaching assistant based on Honda’s ASIMO robot.

  • Have a humanoid robot interact with groups of children in the playground and in the classroom

  • Be able use the humanoid robot as a way to teach young children how to cross the road and even assist disabled children

  • Be able use the android to walk young children to a destination safely, for example, to their school bus.

  • Children are interested in interacting with innovative and ‘cool’ things.



Children anti-gravity chamber

This will allow children to undertake a different form of physical activity and allow them to experience weightlessness.

  • Children are interested in Space; this will allow them to experience what astronaut’s experience

  • Sides of chamber would have cushion layer similar to that of a bouncy castles

  • Would allow groups of children and individuals to enter the chamber

  • Can be used as an educational tool for kids in primary school when they attend physical exercise lessons


Weekly meetings

Weekly meetings have been scheduled:

Tuesday -12am - Windows lab

Thursday - 11am - Windows lab

Every third Wednesday - 12am – Windows lab

Generating ideas / Brainstorming / HCI theories

After Mondays lecture, Russell discussed methods of generating ideas for our project. These involved:

–Lateral thinking
–Future envisaging
–Impossible combinations
–Inspiration tray

From this, we have decided to use brainstorming, due to its simplicity and our past experience in using this method. In further researching brainstorming, we discovered the following guidelines: -


  • Define the problem you want solved clearly, and lay out any criteria to be met;

  • Keep the session focused on the problem;

  • Ensure that no one criticizes or evaluates ideas during the session. Criticism introduces an element of risk for group members when putting forward an idea. This stifles creativity and cripples the free running nature of a good brainstorming session;

  • Encourage an enthusiastic, uncritical attitude among members of the group. Try to get everyone to contribute and develop ideas, including the quietest members of the group;

  • Let people have fun brainstorming. Encourage them to come up with as many ideas as possible, from solidly practical ones to wildly impractical ones. Welcome creativity;

  • Ensure that no train of thought is followed for too long;

  • Encourage people to develop other people's ideas, or to use other ideas to create new ones ; and

  • Appoint one person to note down ideas that come out of the session. A good way of doing this is to use a flip chart. This should be studied and evaluated after the session.

In following through the brainstorming session, we will follow the guidelines above when going through our brainstorming sessions.

During our initial stages of our project, we will follow an individual brainstorming pattern so all members of the group can put forward some of their own ideas. We will then, during our group brainstorming sessions, analyze some persona's from our target audience and match them to see which one of our ideas best meets their criteria.

This part of the process is extremely important as the feedback gained from the personas will ultimately decide on the end product that we choose. In the worst case scenario, we may discover that none of our ideas match any of the personas criteria and this may mean we will have to conduct the brainstorming session again. We are prepared for this eventuality if it arises.