Thursday 1 February 2007

Project Ideas

1. Inflatable vest

If a child were to have a fall, the vest would sense that a fall is about to take place and inflate the vest in order for less injury to occur.

- Will ensure safety for the user
- Could be used for different purposes
- Minimises injury in car accidents
- Sports
- Will be beneficial for areas such as care and hospitals
- Hardware would be implanted inside the vest and would look and feel as a vest but - with another purpose

2. Tracking Device

A small electronic safe device be attached inside the body by the way of surgery and that would be connected to a computer that would track the whereabouts of the child no matter the location, anywhere in the world

- Would easily track whereabouts of children
- Take care of crime
- Eliminate Anti-social behaviour
- Implant the device into child
- A screen will show where the child is no matter where the location
- If a simple command such as “find Joe” is made will pinpoint the location
Would ensure safety

3. Remote Control spy bug
This will allow children to fly a bug into a room and sit and listen to a conversation. The device will have attached to its eyes a video recorder and sound device that will allow children to see and hear what is being said on a TV screen in their bedroom, a piece of software would come with the bug.

- Spy on important conversations
- Listen
- View
- Fly the bug around
- Can be considered as a game but for different purpose
- Fly the bug around
- Eyes of the bug would have camera and sound
- Can be connected to TV for maximum usage
- Would be small enough to not be recognised

4. Speech recognition for disabled children
This technology would cater for young disabled children; this would translate their words for someone who does not understand what they are saying. Similar to a baby translator but for disabled children.

- Will allow others to understand what they (disabled children) are saying
- Benefits for parents with disabled children
- More abrupt conversations take place
- User friendly – will make life easier

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