Monday 12 February 2007

The appearance dilemma – human or android?

There are two possible appearances that can be adopted, a human and android appearance.

Human appearance

The human appearance is in terms of a female or male teacher. As the target audience is under the age of 11 the children are currently in primary/junior school. Statistics have shown that the number of female teachers in primary schools is significant in relation to male teachers. For example, the guardian stated in 2005 that 15.7% of primary school teachers were male and that 47% of children aged 5 to 11 have no contact with male teachers [1]. Taking this into account it can be argued that the teaching assistant should adopt a female appearance to “blend” into the environment. Although, the guardian also stated that 25% of parents questioned were concerned about their children not having enough interaction with male primary teachers.

Android appearance

The android appearance will result in a unisex appearance. The advantage of an android appearance is that the children will be attracted to the teaching assistant, hence stimulate the children. However, it can also be argued that the children may lose concentration and may see the teaching assistance as a toy.

Both appearances were discussed and the group decided that the female appearance was the most suitable based upon a number of factors:
The majority of junior/primary school teachers are female
The teaching assistant will not be able to replicate 100% human behaviour and taking into account that 47% of children aged 5 to 11 have no contact with male teachers the children [1] may develop a certain attitude toward males
A android appearance will result in the children losing concentration and regarding the teaching assistant as a toy

Female Humanoid Requirements
- Black glasses
- Brown eyes
- Black formal jacket and trousers
- Blue top
- Silicon skin
- Black shoes

After a visit to the school the appearance requirements were derived from observations of the current teachers and the children's behaviour towards them. Furthermore the persona's were asked “who is you favourite teacher?” which aided the process. For example, Serena answered Miss Dhillion. The favourite teachers was prioritized in the analysis and common trends were identified, for example, we concluded that the teachers that wore black clothing received this highest attention from children.

[1] Source

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